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WhatsApp Image 2020-11-05 at 8.23.07 PM.

In Acts 13, the Antioch church fasted and prayed. The Holy Spirit set apart Paul and Barnabas for the work. Then the church sent them to accomplish this work. 


2000 years later, the work is still unfinished. Billions have not heard the good news of Jesus with an opportunity to respond.  In this COVID-19 global pause, we fast and pray. Who has His Spirit SET APART?


How will we steward the laborers' SENT to accomplish God’s work?


Listen and prepare for what God has on the other side of this global Antioch moment. We pray to be Set Apart and Sent until there’s no place left to preach the Gospel.

Across Missions, Inc.

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8800 SW 149 St  Miami, FL 33176

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